Photo courtesy of Too Many Zooz
It's difficult to describe a Too Many Zooz concert. You really have to have been there. Their first concert in Toronto was April 21st/17 at The Mod Club. After that experience, and it is an experience, I also had to go to their second concert in Toronto on March 30th/18 at The Phoenix Concert Theatre.
While The Mod Club has a capacity of 620 people, The Phoenix's capacity is 1,350, a much needed expansion as Too Many Zooz popularity has exploded in a very short time. What started out as underground New York subway buskers has now gone on to tour worldwide with further dates in the U.S., Europe, the UK and Canada.
Their self-described genre is "Brasshouse" consisting of LeoP aka Leo Pellegrino on sax, Matt Doe on trumpet and David "King Of Sludge" Parks on percussion. It's loud, it's brash and it's energetic...all in a good way. Coming from someone who's thing is vocals, and there aren't any, is high praise indeed. The videos below are merely a taste of the experience.
More info and tickets available at: